What If It Rains? or Wedding Plan B

June 24, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

It's raining.  Actually, it's pouring.  When I woke up this morning and heard the rain on the roof, I breathed a sigh of relief that Studio Jay was not doing a wedding today.  But, alas, there must be many a wedding taking place on this drizzly day.  Decades ago the tradition was to conduct the wedding ceremony and  the reception in a church building.  Though many couples still choose to marry in their church, the trend these days is for ceremonies and/or receptions to be held outdoors.  At least that's true in sunny central Oregon where it NEVER rains.  Well, except for today.  And yesterday.   

When planning an outdoor wedding, plan B is a must.  Most likely you won't have to engage Plan B, but at least the back-up will offer some peace of mind.  Studio Jay provided the DJ and sound for a wedding last weekend that was held in the groom's aunt's backyard.  It was a beautiful landscaped oasis surrounded by the natural juniper and sagebrush of central Oregon.  While the couple had no indoor alternative, they did put a large wedding tent on reserve in case of inclement weather.  The tent was canceled with the sunny forecast, but having that plan B was smart.  

Only one wedding comes to mind that Studio Jay was a part of when the weather took a turn for the worse.  The beautiful ceremony went without a hitch in an outdoor park.  But during post-ceremony wedding photographs, the wind picked up and a storm blew in almost faster than we could get the gear and the bride out of the weather.  I actually thought it was making for some amazing dramatic images, but the bridal party thought otherwise.  Fortunately, the reception had been set up in a barn on the property and we all enjoyed the party sans rain and wind.  

Planning an outdoor wedding?  Here are Studio Jay suggestions:

1. Have an easy to execute Plan B.  A tent, a barn, a shelter, a church basement.  Then you won't be scrambling at the last minute if mother nature has a mood swing.  Say the word, and have your wedding planner or wedding day coordinator make the switch.  

2. Don't get stressed or upset if it becomes necessary to execute Plan B.  You are entitled to feel upset, but then take a deep breath and try to move on.  Remember  that you have no control over the weather and your attitude will set the mood for the rest of the day.  An 'adventure' may make your event even more memorable.  

3.  Embrace whatever happens.  A perfect wedding does not necessarily mean perfect weather.  Always, always, always love the day!


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