Photo Christmas Cards

November 12, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This evening I'm working on my mother's picture Christmas card design with her recent Hawaiian vacation as the subject of the 2 images she has chosen to send to her many friends.  My mom is almost 89 years old and sent our family's first annual picture Christmas card in 1955!  Yup, that's 59 consecutive years of snapshots of our family.  I have my collection of those cards in an album and what a wonderful history of our family it has become.  Many big events have been depicted in those images -our pets, a first day of school, move to a new house, high school graduations, marriages, my parent's 50th wedding anniversary.  My big sister's favorite of course is me in the 6th grade with blue bat-wing glasses.  Certainly those were in vogue!  No one in our family was much of a photographer and we all remember quite well how difficult it was some years to actually get a family snapshot.  My brother and sister and I would fight and poke at each other and whine about what we were suppose to wear for the occasion or how we were suppose to pose.  Sound familiar to anyone?

I followed in my mother's footsteps and began my own Christmas tradition 26 years ago of sending picture greeting cards for the holidays. Yup, there's the pets, the new house, graduations, and weddings; and some years it was December and we were still scrambling to get everyone together to get a Christmas picture.  And, yes, my kids sometimes fought and poked and whined.  But most importantly, those Christmas cards represent the love of family and memories of years gone by.  

It's not too late to produce your own picture Christmas card this year and get that tradition going in your own family.  Engage a professional photographer to capture an image of your whole family or snap some of your own shots.  Think about wearing vibrant colors or coordinating hues. Look for backgrounds indoor or outdoor that would add texture and personality.  Decorate early and then pose the family peaking out from behind the Christmas tree.  An annual family portrait may be the best Christmas present you give yourself!  Merry Christmas from Studio Jay


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